Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reflection over Atomic Structure and Radioactivity

I think this unit was much easier than the first unit over nomenclature, but it was also much more condensed; we had only two weeks to absorb all the information about Dalton and Rutherford's discoveries, average atomic mass calculations, half lives, and alpha/beta/gamma decay/emission. I think the time length of the unit was perfect for the amount of content within it. I hear the next unit will cause me to disbelieve everything I have learned about mat, though. I hope the next unit will be as fun as this last Atomic Structure and Radioactivity unit.


  1. I agree we had such little time to learn two chapters completely but it was a lot easier to learn, accept significant numbers. I hope we have more easier units to understand like this one.

  2. I agree with the time constrictions. Although, there was a lot less information to digest. I also heard the same about the next unit! Looking forward to it.....
